Therapy for Artists & Writers

You are an artist because you have a unique way of connecting the world’s big ideas and experiences with its smallest, subtlest details and coloring that connection so brilliantly that those who happen upon your art are re-inspired, knowing again, but in a new way, how to move through their days with reverence for both the ordinary and the profound.

And now that I’ve flattered you sufficiently...

…you are also an artist because you have a unique way of becoming entangled in life, in your thoughts and sensations and observations, a particular way of getting yourself tangled-up, stuck, bogged down, flooded, overwhelmed, numb, lost, doubtful, restless, anxious, and if you’re lucky, sometimes even so flabbergasted by your own success that you become paralyzed with the fear that you will never be able to make another body of work or write another book. I can help.

I help writers and artists to:

  • relieve the tension and pressure around the conflict of having to create to sell

  • set boundaries around their creative time when others see it as ‘free time’

  • transcend imposter syndrome

  • learn to talk to people about their art/writing with confidence and authenticity

  • set aside distraction from other people, other people’s thoughts about you, your thoughts about other people’s thoughts about you, etc.

  • stimulate new ideas by trying some of my creative ‘homework assignments’