When consulting with parents I first take a good long listen, ask a lot of questions, then ask some more clarifying questions... and then take another listen. I have been around the block long enough to know that no one knows a child the way her parents do and that there is no one-size-fits-all set of parenting techniques, no simple way of categorizing children or their behavior or emotions. I am genuinely interested in and respectful of parents’ values as I think they are often the key to loosening the tight knot of tension that can exist for a phase in the parent/child relationship. I’m also experienced at helping parents sort through their conflicting values so they can find enough common ground to move forward together with a plan. I will assert my professional opinion about your child’s emotional health when I think there may be a blind spot in your parenting as I would hope someone would do for me, but I will always do this compassionately as I clearly see the good intentions that parents bring to my office and to all the big and small, sloppy, and graceful moments of their interactions with their kids. Parenting done well can be hard and I am here to acknowledge and troubleshoot that with you. I am also here to infuse creativity, gentle experimenting, humor, using community support, and a timely day off.